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Double Masters 2022 bringing with it a return of the exciting features of the original Double Masters release in 2020:
• Fan-favorite cards are available again in boosters—many featuring amazing new artwork.
• The return of powerful and legendary cards for your next Commander and Eternal format decks.
• Each Double Masters 2022 Draft Booster is packed with two rare and/or mythic rare cards plus two foil cards.
And, like before, Double Masters 2022 offers a unique, premium draft experience for Magic fans ready for a refreshing twist on play.
Magic: The Gathering Double Masters 2022 Draft Booster
• 16 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster
• 2–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher in every pack
• 2 Traditional Foil cards in every pack
• Get a double dose of some of the strongest, coolest Magic cards ever made!
Each Double Masters 2022 Draft Booster contains 16 Magic cards and 1 token/ad card, with a combination of 2–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher and 3–5 Uncommon, 8–10 Common, and 1 Land cards. Two cards of any rarity are Traditional Foil. Traditional Foil Borderless Mythic Rare Planeswalker in <1% of boosters.
One Display contains 24 Boosters.
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